Monday, December 24, 2012

Gossip Girl Series

I do not like the last episode of Gossip Girl. It is like very documentary like, and even though it solve pretty much everything, but I don't think it is thoughtfully plan. It is like they just trying to end it. So they just throw everything and blame it on Dan as the gossip girl as it made the most sense. An outsider who is trying to get back in.
Even the part where Rufus was like you blasted Jenny losing her virginity to GG, and Dan trying to explained. It was alright, but if you really know all along Dan was GG when you first started watching it. Then you would confirm say it cant be Dan. It was just too something. Wasn't that perfect.

The problem with this series is that the main character are just them. Like dated each other and just basically too involved with each other. They casted in other characters but it wasn't there. Georgina suddenly become a main character. If they can add her in, why not the rest?
Like most TV series, every season will change with added or less off characters. But for GG it is just reoccurring characters. It is alright, but can definitely be better.

The thing I love bout the show is the fashion. I love Blair conservative outfits since season 1. Chuck's not so much. Nate used to be the cool guy everyone want, but in season 5 and 6, not so much. He became such a boring character. Just a supporting character to Chuck's(to keep Blair updated).
The ending is nice, they show the characters that actually was featured finding out bout the identity of GG. I just wanna know what happen to Vanessa.
I also like that Jenny and Eric came to the wedding. But it will be cuter if Blair's son is younger. I guess they just want him to dress up like his dad.
The NY Spectator advertisement bout Ivy's bestseller book turn into a movie. Awesome! Lola and what's that Hilary Duff's character name, acted in it. Love it!

The thing I do not like is the fact that William is the bad guy. He manipulated Ivy, and yet he got to be with Lily. Just not right. I do not like him. He should be out casted.
Middle of the series, it gets boring. I stop watching like mid of season 2. Then got nothing to do so watched it again and it repeated.
Storyline gets boring.
People play around with each other. Like the circus, they sleep around with each other. Should just do a big orgy.
It shows you do not have to finish school to make it big. None of them finished college. Blair is super smart, but she end up in fashion. Which is ok, cause she has awesome style and her mom own her own company, but wth, she could be better.
While I love Dorota, it will be nice to actually just see her with her kids. Watching the show is like showing Dorota work 24h and no time for herself. Even though Blair did stated that Dorota was upset as her husband brought the kids somewhere.

All in all, while I do appreciate the on off friendship of Blair and Serena, it would be nice to see them together more often. It was definitely different from the book, which I fall in love with in Primary 5. So ya, the spin was so huge. Different. Yet the ending is nice closer. Really the final chapter.

I wouldn't miss it.

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