Monday, August 19, 2013

The Boyfriend Tag

My dear friend(s), if you are reading this, I encourage you to do this tag as it is fun. It is a great way to see how well your boyfriend know you. If he doesn't already, after this tag, he will. So there will be a list of questions, and ask him to give you the answer. Post it on your blog, or just ask for fun. But I like to read too, as its also a way for me to get to know you better.

This tag has been going around in YouTube since ages ago. And I don't know why but I end up watching them. And now I'm interested, since you and your boyfriend is going to be a part of my life too. Somehow. So do them kay.

1. where did we meet? Sch
2. what was our first date? Aston
3. where was our first kiss and how was it? Airport
4. did u know that I was the one? Yea
5. first impression? Pinoy feel haha
6. when did u meet the family? CNY
7. do we have a tradition? Eat Aston whenever I am poor
8. what was our first road trip? Bus trip, counted?
9. who said I love you first and where were we? Me
10. what do we argue about the most? Me not being a good bf
11. who wears the pants in the relationship? Me
12. if I'm sitting in front of the TV what am I watching? CSI or the Fox Crime or MTV cause of Kelly
13. what dressing do I get on my salad? I can't remember
14. what's the one food don’t I like? Fatty meat
15. we go out to eat what do I get to drink? Sparkling water
16. what size shoe do I wear? 5
17. if I was collecting anything what would it be? Cosmetics
18. what is my favorite type of sandwich? I don't think you eat sandwich
19. what would I eat everyday if I could? Expensive food
20. what my fav cereal? Something sweet?
21. what is my fav music? What is in your ipod
22. what's my fav sports team? Whichever Kaka's in
23. what is my eye color? Brown
24. who is my best friend? Me
25. what is something that I do that you don't like? Always stress me
26. what's my heritage/where I'm from? 
27. you bake me a cake for my bday what kind of cake? A big big big big macaron
28. did I play any sports? Wii sport counted?
29. what could I spend hours doing? Playing with makeup
30. what is one unique talent I have? Making the impossible possible and be calm always

So ya, those are the answers he gave. Which is really very conceited of him. He think he is my bestfriend. Ya right. He doesn't know my fav tv show, he doesn't know my music and miscellaneous. While I love sparkling water, usually if outside, I like to get coke light. My fav team was Chelsea. I don't play Wii. And many more. So disappointing.

So  Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V away.
1. where did we meet?
2. what was our first date?
3. where was our first kiss and how was it?
4. did u know that I was the one?
5. first impression?
6. when did u meet the family?
7. do we have a tradition?
8. what was our first road trip?
9. who said I love you first and where were we?
10. what do we argue about the most?
11. who wears the pants in the relationship?
12. if I'm sitting in front of the TV what am I watching?
13. what dressing do I get on my salad?
14. what's the one food don’t I like?
15. we go out to eat what do I get to drink?
16. what size shoe do I wear?
17. if I was collecting anything what would it be?
18. what is my favorite type of sandwich?
19. what would I eat everyday if I could?
20. what my fav cereal?
21. what is my fav music?
22. what's my fav sports team?
23. what is my eye color?
24. who is my best friend?
25. what is something that I do that you don't like?
26. what's my heritage/where I'm from?
27. you bake me a cake for my bday what kind of cake?
28. did I play any sports?
29. what could I spend hours doing?
30. what is one unique talent I have?

Friday, August 02, 2013


That's pretty much it. The amount of stuff I bought. I don't go online buy. Ok I lied. I'm still waiting for my Rimmel products from Asos to come. I bought a dress pj from gmarket too. It's rather cheap for $5. But I love my new sandals most. It's light turquoise and has a tiny mini little heels.
Oh the acrylic paints too. Buy from Malaysia for RM4.90. In Sg it's $2.40. The quality can be better. But its ok I guess. Not much nailart I do nowadays.