Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Found this on msn

Found this on msn.
Entitled: Dating rules you must break

You can't check out other hotties
Let's be honest -- it's our guilty pleasure. When someone gorgeous crosses our path, we can't help but ogle them. It's not cheating. It's just in our genetic makeup. If that bothers your significant other, be a little bit more ingenious while checking them out. You don't want to drool over other hunks or babes blatantly while your partner is with you. But if you catch your partner in the act, your berating will never change him; it'll only show that you feel insecure.

See. Go ogle guys, people!

A woman should never ask a man out
If you're one who shies away from being the initiator, you leave it to the man to do the job. But if you aren't, don't worry about the traditional dating rule which says it's always the man's responsibility to do the asking. If he freaks out when you do, it just shows that he's probably not for you. While they love the thrill of chasing, guys would actually appreciate that they don't have to take the plunge all the time.

Haha, go chase. Gogogo.

Avoid talking about your ex on a date
If you wish to start over with a clean slate, you should never treat your past relationships as a taboo subject. Talk about it when your date initiates the topic (if he ever does) but never get emotional or start trashing your old flame. He'll think that he's just your rebound guy. If you avoid it, he'd probably think that you're still hung up on your ex.

Haha, you do need to talk about ur ex sometimes. Nothing wrong with it. It is just a past.

Monday, September 05, 2011

My Charms


Too much charms.

Bracelet too full. Smile


Sunday, September 04, 2011

A Typical Saturday

I just give the poor boy more stress in his life. As always, I was still asleep when he came over. Then idiot, bought Macs. Already said how many times not to eat Mac. Then, as always watch movie on laptop. Life is seriously boring. But we just watch movie after movie.
Winnie the pooh.
Pursuit of happyness.

Anyway the topic of school came up. And I stress him about taking a part time. Don't get how he say he can't cope with both work and school. When he is like one of those person who actually can. He is hardworking in his own way. He always put those important stuff first. Unlike me. Sleep early and responsible in his own way. Forever checking his email. Always stay in. Hardly go out when it's unneeded.
That seeing him with friends make me really happy. Knowing he is out having fun. Coz I hardly see him do that.
Recently had to hang out for company dinner and stuff. Told him not many people actually had the chance to dine with boss and client. Especially someone "new" in the company.

Then went to pp to eat. But it was so crowded. Brought up the topic bout guys. What if there is a guy.

Another stress. What if I'm bored.

Why do people always get into a relationship and think of the future. At this age, shouldn't it just be having fun. Seeing how everything will go and if everything will work out. Wouldn't it be bad counting on the fact that we will be forever together. But somehow in the near future something goes wrong and relationship has to end. It just break people heart. So at this age. Wouldn't it better to just take it one step at a time. Wishing for the best. But not really counting for the ring moment. Coz when it happens it happen. When we all are older and when we all are ready.

What if it just happen with another guy.

Favorite answer: no comment.

But surely if the time comes for it. Then there will be a lot on his mind. Or maybe nothing at all. Maybe he'll fight for me. Maybe he'll just let go.
Because in life you do not want to regret. Coz that feeling suck the most. Then you will be thinking of what-if.

So I ask myself.
Am I faithful?
I am lucky not to have to prove that. Coz I don't know if I am. And I don't want to promise anything I can't keep.
Will I run off?
Do I love him?
So will I cheat?
I said no. I will not.
But I don't know if I am faithful sih.
Haha, I am contradicting myself.

I don't know the future. But I do know I will not do something that will spoil us. And I do know that I am happy with the way things are now. I doubt that will change soon. But I am an easily bored person. So I guess I just have be caution.
Jut hope we will never find out huh.
Poor guy.

Ok. Time to study. Since there is no soccer.