Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Found this on msn

Found this on msn.
Entitled: Dating rules you must break

You can't check out other hotties
Let's be honest -- it's our guilty pleasure. When someone gorgeous crosses our path, we can't help but ogle them. It's not cheating. It's just in our genetic makeup. If that bothers your significant other, be a little bit more ingenious while checking them out. You don't want to drool over other hunks or babes blatantly while your partner is with you. But if you catch your partner in the act, your berating will never change him; it'll only show that you feel insecure.

See. Go ogle guys, people!

A woman should never ask a man out
If you're one who shies away from being the initiator, you leave it to the man to do the job. But if you aren't, don't worry about the traditional dating rule which says it's always the man's responsibility to do the asking. If he freaks out when you do, it just shows that he's probably not for you. While they love the thrill of chasing, guys would actually appreciate that they don't have to take the plunge all the time.

Haha, go chase. Gogogo.

Avoid talking about your ex on a date
If you wish to start over with a clean slate, you should never treat your past relationships as a taboo subject. Talk about it when your date initiates the topic (if he ever does) but never get emotional or start trashing your old flame. He'll think that he's just your rebound guy. If you avoid it, he'd probably think that you're still hung up on your ex.

Haha, you do need to talk about ur ex sometimes. Nothing wrong with it. It is just a past.

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