Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lipstick depot

It is so much harder to actually depot your lipstick. Well in my head it was just making it melt and pouring it into the container. In reality it was much more difficult. The lipstick just doesn't want to work with you.

I use the oil burner thing with a bit of water. Then put aluminum over it and place the broken lipstick particles into it. The aluminum was not the proper sheet. I use whatever was lying around at home. It doesn't have a proper base. It was too small to cover a base so I had to pile it up which in turn make the lipstick leak.
Somehow even when the water is hot the lipstick just doesn't want to melt. In the end after waiting for so long it melted. But. It was so freaking inconsistent. It was not watery. After pouring whatever I can into the container, there was so much more left on aluminum. So I had to reheat it. And whatever on the container was not smooth and it was just awkward looking.

I even try putting the aluminum over the fire directly. It just turned black and gave a pork roast smell. Yummy but weird.
YouTube told me that I should not fill the container till full as it will expend. But right I can't even filled up to half of the plastic. See the picture, it's not nice looking right? Plus I made such a mess at the work area.

At least it's done. The rest that stick to the aluminum just can't be help. My fingers are in pain. They got burned.

Updated: I just burned the aluminum. Aluminum can burn? It got on fire and panic and threw it to the floor. It could bun the whole wires of laptop chargers. I took Kelly blanket and put out the fire. Ugh. All I can think now was if only I took a picture of that fire. It was pretty cool. 

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