Friday, May 04, 2012

Skin Care and Make Up

So I have been obsessed with make up ever since I came back from HK. I guess it was the fact that in HK, all I did was to play with make up. With the cold weather, you have to like keep your skin moisture. You have to prevent skin dryness as it will flake, with redness. So everyday had to do proper skin care. Then put on make up if not skin will be pale.the only thing I did not do is buy more make up. I didn't have enough money, which is such a pity. Oh why am I not born rich?
Anyway, so after that, came back home to horrible acne all over my forehead. Just like the previous year. More pimple pop over on chin and cheeks. Seriously how old already, I still have pimples. Then a month ago, Kelly was teaching me about YouTube. So all I did was watch YouTube tutorials. I came across Jen from frmheadtotoe. And we both got addicted to her. I don't know why, I think it's her personality. The way she warm up to people. Like it just bright up. Well check out her videos to see what I am talking about.
From there become more crazy bout make up. And even though I know a lot, I also actually know nothing. It doesn't make sense, but there is just so much more things I need to learn. I always wanted to be a make up artist living somewhere foreign. But this is Singapore, you kinda have to follow a proper rule of poly/jc if you are in a normal family. So ya. Bo Bian.
Now, I want to do nail art. Cause it's fun. But it just so hard. Plus, you need inspiration and precision to create a nail design. And if you do on your own nails, it will last at least 4/5 days. Cause I will not bear to remove them so fast. With make up, it's a daily thing. But there is not really a point if you don't go out. But when going out, I always find that I don't have enough time.

What I really learn though is that you need a proper skin care before you can do make up. I also learn that sunscreen is the most important which is the one thing I always ignore. That all has to stop. But I always have no time. Especially in the morning always rushing for school. At night, don't need them. Some time even have no time to use moisturiser. I'm such a pig.
So skin care, there the basic step of cleanse, tone and moisturise. But there is so many other products there like serum and eye cream and lots and lots. So far, I found this website. Read this! It's like the most comprehensive one I came across.

So moral of story, skin care regime is different from make up.

If you don't use make up, at least protect your skin. Do daily skin care routine. Always wear at least SPF30 when going out under the sun. Even if indoor, when there is a glass, you will still need protection from SPF.

Use a primer if you want foundation to stay. After use concealer to cover black eyes and pigmentation and such. Eye primer to prevent crease and oily lids. If can, curl lashes before using mascara. Highlight face with highlighter to shine especially in photos. Fix brows. Make sure it looks need whenever possible. Awesome make up require awesome hair. So care for your hair too as it is the crown of the person you are.

Other than that, I don't really know much.

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