Friday, July 06, 2012

The Secret of Life

Damn teh tarik, I am still awake at this hour. Mind wide awake, eyes wide awake.

Met up with Sophie. She told me that she is now living in this positive attitude life thanks to the secret. It's a movie entitle the secret. It came about and became popular when Dan Brown's the Da Vinci Code became the movie of the year. I remembered it like that. As the cover page of the secret remind me of the Da Vinci Code.
Anyway it said that you have to have a powerful mind that keep thinking about what you want in a positive way trying to attract it. So think about something you want in a positive manner only, and keep thinking about it. Eventually you will get it.
Oh and plus you have to be happy as positive energy attract positive energy. So get rid of all your negative energy, negative friends and negative feelings.

It is simple and some how one time or another, you told yourself that before. But we always forgot because there will be days when we forget to be grateful at what we have and compare ourselves to others.

I used to live by that mantra where I think about the things I want and wish for it to happen. I usually get what I want. I always feel that I am the luckiest girl in the world. But I do not know what made me stop.
Negative people? Backstabbing friends? Lost friendship? Unappreciated?

You always forgot to be grateful. You forgot to be thankful. You forgot to be happy. I don't know if I can ever be so easy go lucky kind of person again. I don't know if I can be nice and friendly again. I've seen too much, I hurt too much. It must take a whole lot of positive energy to bring me back to my feet.
There are a few who are able to, but in the end it's just a one time offer. I do not want to lose people in my life again. I rather we got lost together or just me who disappear. So I still want the world to end. Do you think if I will it enough it will come true? In a positive way of course. (e.g. end world suffering)

Anyway, I do learn a lot of life and friendship and love. While I do not know how to love a person, I am glad they don't give up on me. I may not give my smile away that easily but I am glad there are some who bother trying to make me.

I am thankful to have you in my life.

I am super grateful for accepting me the way I am.
Even though it is not practical.
Even though it is not the norm.

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