Monday, July 23, 2012

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Kelly has been watching this show since the YouTube's teen react talk about it. It said that young adults, especially guys watch this show. Anyway, I couldn't care less until one day. I was in my usual sleepy state before waking up for the day. Kelly was on her bed watching and there was this dialogue:
"I will never ever ever ever ever be you friend."
"But that's four-ever!"
I just started laughing. Then Kelly called me weird for smiling in my sleep. Seriously, it is funny. Then thanks to her, I just started watching it. She will ask me to watch this and watch that. Tell me who is what pony and what they do and such. The whole show seems absurd, but I just got hooked. 

It was said that the writer of friendship is magic is the same as the Powerpuff girls. Doesn't really matter to me, but she is awesome. I really like the story, as it is all about friendship. At the end of every episode, a lesson will be learn. Basic understanding of friendship, a great lesson for everyone.
Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash 
Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack

Each of the characters represent a certain trait; laughter, magic, loyalty, generosity, kindness and honesty. They are friends you could ever hope for. They stick together, help one another, learn from each other. 

I guess I am so lacking of the idea of friendship that I need to be reminded that it exist. That kindness and laughter do exist. That not everyone is selfish and out to get you. These 6 friends give me hope that people can still be pure. 

For any other show, the characters are actual humans, so with the different personality you appreciate them as a group. They will compliment each other. That there are a variety of people and lifestyle that makes the show not boring. The same with these ponies. It's just that it is in cartoon. And the jokes are not PG. 

I really like Pinkie Pie as all she do is laugh. All smiles and laughter with her. She can be this annoying person that every clique will have. But she's the childish type that bring joy to everyone. She is basically everyone friend and she's happy go lucky. 
I like how she's just so cheerful all the time. She just never fail to make me laugh. Kelly called me lame for laughing at random moments. She said its not even funny. But Pinkie Pie always do random stuff. Like this one time when it rain chocolate, it was suppose to be a disaster but Pinkie Pike was so happy that she got to drink chocolate falling from the sky. Or the one time she wave at the dragon when everyone else was hidding. She just seems to be so oblivious to stuff. It's cute. 

Kelly like Fluttershy. As the name suggest she is shy. She is kind, especially towards animals. Everybody loves her. Pinkie Pie cares for her a lot, and will not prank her as she is just too fragile. While she is one nice pony, she can be irritating as she don't dare doing stuff that is basically not in her comfort zone. So in other word, she can be a party pooper. Sounds familiar?

I can go on, as it is closely related to me. Haha, I guess since primary school my favorite topic has always been about friendship. Show and tell, poem writing, it will be bout that. So yah.
Anyway if you want to watch, you can go to here.

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