Sunday, June 05, 2011

In the Mind of an Innocent 9yo

So, i was watching a movie with Kelly. Well, her exam was the next day, but she cant sleep. Plus it was only 9pm at the time. I decided to watch a movie and Kelly watched with me. We watched my big fat greek wedding.
When she dating the guy, all she did was kiss him. So basically, for that few minutes, different days pass by but the scene shows them kissing as he drop her home.
So Kelly ask me why they keep kissing, i told her coz he is the boyfriend. Then shoot me asking why R never kiss me. Then she say, "so poorthing."

When she was 5yo, she asked her friend Jenna in the bus, (they were sitting side by side, while the moms sit behind) "Do you know why i have a brother and sister?"
"Because my mami have money."

Her reason is she always heard adults talking how it is expensive to raise a kid. That you need money to have a kid. So for Kelly, her parents have 3, so that's mean they have more money than Jenna who is the only child.
:) Kids say the darnest things.

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