Wednesday, November 09, 2011

He is a jerk if he is

Taken from cosmo, Deborah Tan:
To me, and I'm sure a lot of women will agree, for a man to be classfied as a jerk, he'd probably have to be one or all of these things:
1. Emotionally manipulative
2. Emotionally abusive
3. Physically and verbally abusive
4. Indulge in passive-aggressive behaviour
5. Says a lot of things that are aimed at chopping up your self-esteem
6. Unsupportive of your goals and dreams
7. Is uninterested in your friends and family
8. Monopolises your time so you can't spend it with the other people who matter to you
9. Totally treating you as an afterthought to everything else in his life (like seriously, if he ever blew you off for like Warcraft Version 623, drop him like a hot potato!)

Hehe, see. Now you know why people are pissed.

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