Friday, August 13, 2010



See, we stalked him and took his picture.
Hahahhahaha. Pam call him Jonathan.

Anyone know him?

Polarized & Sophie lookalike



Don’t this girl look like Sophie? I managed to take picture of her. The way she walk and stuff, i swear it is Sop. But Sop will never go to RP.



And did this for the heart foundation. So blur, but oh well.


Tall Updates

My broken slipper. so sad. Kept jumping at Singfest, and it spoilt.


Pat and Brian. Pat bought a new polarize camera. So, she was playing with it. And i love how the photo turn out. There is another one of me and her, but i have not take a picture of it.

So, Brian has a brother Ken. And another brother in Indo who is 13 and approx 170cm. Like wth. Brian is 186cm. So, Ken is like 179cm? Maybe 180cm. And he is only 16, turning 17. He still can grow!! Asked if their parents are tall, they say no. So i just assumed they were tortured when younger, being pull from both end of their bodies. Brian say all they do is play basketball.

Like hey! I played too, when i was younger. The time when i still can grow. But it doesn’t do me any help. Oh well. Was meant to be a midget i guess. So that tall people will be recognise as tall. If all of us are the same height, then no one is tall or short. What the world will come into huh?

So, people who are tall need to thank people short like me. ^^

Thursday, August 05, 2010

And its Ladies Night and Celebrate Good Time at Singfest

So i just went for my first ever concert or whatever its call. If its not a concert, then that’s mean i never been to a concert ever.

1st thing 1st; has to go with at least 3 people.
4 is a nice number. Everyone will have someone to talk to. If 2 people, it just going to be too little people to take over the “world”. The more the better, as you will definitely be having more fun if you are with all your friends. Plus, one little group will be able to go to restroom, another go to buy drinks, while the rest stand and “reserve”  the place as close to the stage as possible.

2nd; unless you have a fun boyfriend, don’t go with him. The point is to have fun! Not stand there, block people view and stood motionless.

3rd; get ready to dress for ‘exercise’.
You are going to jump and dance. You are going to perspire tons and tons of sweat. So, don’t dress like you are going to watch a movie. It’s going to be HOT HOT HOT!

4th; don’t dress skimpily.
Unless you want to get some, then wear something more appropriate. No matter what, it is not a club. Children under age of 12 will be present. While jumping to the beat, it is oh so dangerous that your clothes will go this way that.
One girl dressed so sexily, that i fear for the strap to snap. Oh well, even with the strap, it’s like she’s just wearing a sexy nightgown.

5th; do some research. Do not be like me, going in not knowing who they are. Not knowing the songs. It can become so boring not knowing anything. You better off be sleeping at home, or in T’s case – studying.


Should have gone for the 1st day. Katy Perry, Tokyo Hotel. Or 3rd day. 30 seconds to Mars, smashing pumpkin.  But our free tickets were for 2nd day.

Have i mention the cute guys there? Basically, there were just too many. Tall and fair and cute. Ahhhhh.. Loves


Lots of high people too. Pissed off at some, they are taking up space. Keep moving back, pushing us back. Hmph. Oh, and i saw Deanna.

We had so much fun copying Kool & the gang. Didn’t know they sing Celebration and Ladies night. In fact, i had more fun singing to them than Kenya West.  Kenya suited up in this really cool orange neon colour suit. Well, on stage it look pinkish. I love the colour. Well, the colour look like the picture below.

The bad thing bout the end is, Kenya just leave the stage without saying goodbye or thank you. So yah. Oh well.

I learnt so much though. Lots of different people thus lots of different human behaviour. Ta-da.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Me and My Best Gals


It has been ages since i saw those 2. Well, i always see Vicky in dance. Michelle on random occasion, when she is free. I miss them so much. Oh yah, 3 of 3.

Vicky is leaving. Like soon. Haiz.